Thursday, February 7, 2008

Allow us to introduce ourselves...

So, I have been debating for quite some time now whether I should actually start up a blog or not. I mean in the age of Myspace, Facebook, LinkedIn and the endless other social networking sites available, why would I need to start up a blog? I don't have any cute baby pictures or videos to show off or any real significant updates to give but none the less, here I am on a random Thursday night creating a blog during 'Lost' commercial breaks. Call it my endless need to multi-task.

A little bit about us (but if you are actually reading this, I doubt it's new information):

Lance and I married on September 28th, 2007 (ah, yes newlyweds :) in Florence, Italy...the most romantic city I have thus encountered. For Christmas, Lance surprised me with the latest addition to our young family; the sweetest little beagle puppy you will ever meet (more to come about him in the near future...probably more than you would ever want to come - but I digress). The three of us are living in beautiful San Diego and feel extremely blessed and thankful for our wonderful lives together. Other than the Cowboys not making it to the superbowl, we couldn't ask for anything more.

1 comment:

KarieK said...

You guys are too cute - I love it! We look forward to reading your updates, and seeing all the puppy cuteness that we can handle. (which, by the way, we have a very high tolerance for puppy cuteness, so bring it on!)